Thursday, November 20, 2008

Strange Strange Call

Few days ago, I received a phone call from Najib. Not the DPM, possibly an officer working in an employment agency. I am not an important person.

Anyway, he called and asked me if I am interested in securing a job in JB. He mentioned a few companies where the job may be suitable.

He told me he will send me an SMS to enable me to send my resume to him through his email address.

It's strange that he called as I have put up that ad, God knows where, many many years back. Now when I am about to go over to JB, this Najib called, out of the blue. Strange indeed!

Should I respond?

New Toy #2 Part 3

Lazy to blog so no new posts since so long ago. Anyway, as promised, an update on my new toy, the Toyota Hilux High Lift. Enjoy the pix.

Front Angle Shot

Side Shot

Front Shot

Back Shot

Front Differential - Look at the details

Looking into the wheel arch - detailed shocks, leaf spring etc

Experienced sleepless nights to assemble this 1/10th scale model. Getting the tiny pieces and assembling them was a real headache but worth every second.

The finished, fully assembled model is a sight to behold.

Mind you. You need good eyesight to assemble this. If your eyesight is so so, then should one tiny screw drops, you will have a whale of a time looking for it. Possibly you will attempt to feel for it by sliding your hand across the floor.

If you do not like to assemble it yourself, you can always ask the guy at the shop to do it for you, for a small fee, of course. Nothing is free in this world, except air. Polluted air I suppose is free.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New Toy #2 - Part 2

I am currently assembling this kit by myself and I just love the details on the kit. Here is the model that will eventually turn out. Hope it is the same or better. huhu!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

My New Toy - Part 3

Ah, here are the pix of my new toy. Don't be jealous!!!!!

Pretty Wild? 4-Wheel Drive and 4-Wheel Steering. Wish I can own one like that. I mean a real one!!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

New Toy #2

Ha ha! While going around R/C Car Hobby shops, I came across another R/C Toyota Land Cruiser kit . It was a pickup model. Wow, it looked nice and very realistic and it's a Tamiya.

Guess what happen next?

I bought it. $$$ draining off, but no regrets. It may be a collector's item in the future and may be worth more than what I have paid for it.

Well, just another item to add to my collection. I guess I have to be more determined not to part with my Vitamin M next time. Hmmm, wonder if I have the will power!!!!!

No pix as this is a kit, not assembled yet.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Road Trip Back To Cat City (Kuching)

I am now writing this piece after having survived the road trip from Miri to Kuching. You may be wondering, 'What is the big deal?'.

Well, It took me about 11 hours total to drive from Miri to Kuching on our so called Special highway. My daughter and I started from Miri at 5.00am. Yes, 5.00am. A nice time to sleep and continuing my dream. I actually woke up around 4.00am.

We arrived at Kuching at 4.00pm after a very very late lunch (3.00pm) at Serian, one of the smaller towns about 45 minutes from Kuching City. Wish I have taken a picture but I am sure you can find some pictures of the place on the net. Just do a search.

Yeah, a long and tiring journey as I did not get enough sleep the night before. I slept around midnight to 1.00am.

My ADVICE! So if you decide to make any long road trip, ensure you have enough sleep, else you may doze off while at the wheel. If you doze off while driving, especially when you are taking a bend, you ........ I leave that second part to your imagination. I am sure you will be thinking what I am thinking.

My New Toy - Cont'd Part 2

Hey, I felt disappointed I could not get my new toy on Wednesday as promised by the shop owner. Anyway, I finally received it on Friday, whew, just in time before I leave Miri on 1st Nov 2008.

I took a few pictures but did not have the time to upload to my blog. I will do it after I am more r less 'settled' down in Kuching. More about that later.

Stay tuned!