Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bulldog On The Loose

Who let out the BULLDOG?

The moment he appears, everyone get stress. The way he talks, the way he looks at you and the way he moves. Yes, he is BULLDOG!

Who wants to whack this BULLDOG? Who wants to bite this BULLDOG?

I have bitten this BULLDOG a few weeks back. I almost vomited. so yucky!

Now who's gonna catch this BULLDOG? And tame him?????

Saturday, June 6, 2009

HP Desktop.......

Hey, I have to get a HP desktop for my dau.

Why? She has a notebook already!

She fried her Toshiba harddisk and motherboard. Super. The repair will take a while. In the meantime, she started eyeing my Acer.....

The moment she looked at it, my harddisk also gone bonkers. What a pair of eyes she has.

While waiting for her Toshiba to be repaired, I have to get another notebook for her as she needed it for her school projects.

I got her an Asus for temporary use.

Know what? She fried the Asus harddisk too. Oh my!!!!

Luckily by that time, her Toshiba is back after repair. Whew!!!!

Here is how I got her a HP desktop. Hopefully not as easy to fry as the notebooks.

My wallet is getting lighter by the days.... sigh!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Hey, My Right Thumb Tingles.....

Yes, you read right. It tingles and it is not a good thing.

I started to have the tingling sensation on my right thumb a few weeks back. Thought it was just the occasional blood flow problem. It turned out that this is serious. The thumb tingles and my arm started to have this dull pain.... and feeling weak. What the "tooot"!!!!!

I finally made time from work to go see the doctor, have x-ray taken. Gee, the doctor said I have cervical Scoliosis and spondylosis, whatever. It is a condition where your vertebra bones are not straight but slightly curved. Mine curved towards the right so this side is pinching the nerves if I keep my head at a certain position.

I have to experiment a bit to understand how the tingling sensation happen.

I was given a month's supply of medication to help improve the condition.

Now the bad news. If things get worse or not showing any sign of improvement after one month, the only option so far is to go for operation to remove parts of the bones to relieve the pressure on the nerves.

I do not like to go under the knife but do I have a choice. Permanent nerve damage which can happen over time may cause partial or full paralysis of the affected arm. Now that is scary. And it is my right arm.

When the time comes, I may go for second opinion. Until then, just have to do my exercise to strengthen the muscles on my neck and with the help on the medication, hope for the best.

Hey, my typing speed will be halved if my right fingers are not working. Shucks!

Maybe someone can help type for me.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

a jOB fAR aWAY

I should just consider myself lucky to secure a job in Johor, after having moved here around mid-December 2008. A lot of people will be losing jobs soon and in the future as long as the economy is continuing to be in bad shape.

Well, I did not expect any until I received a call asking me if I was interested to join this company doing some project work at Teluk Ramunia. It is Oil & Gas related, so I said why not, if not to see if I can last as long as the project.

Now, you may have wondered about the ‘can last as long as the project’!

Well, this worksite is about 2 long hours drive away from JB. Yes, I should have stayed there and only come back to JB every weekend. The thing is that the place is super duper boring. It is a very laid back kind of place, a fishing village, supposed to be famous for its king prawns. Wait till you see the giant prawn. I will try to get a picture of it so remember to come back to this site.

Any one interested to take over?