Saturday, October 4, 2008

1st October 2008

The day came and went quietly for me. Hey! It's Hari Raya Day 1. Selamat Hari Raya to all my Muslim friends, colleagues and acquaintances. A big day for those celebrating this special occasion. The young ones and those young at heart, even not so young at heart will look forward to this celebration.

Yes, I heard the firework bombs in the neighbourhood but not as bad as during Chinese New Year. My ears hurt, my nose sucking in those polluted air that time. I remembered in the early days, they did not let off firecrackers or shooting star fireworks. They merely played with these sparklers and sometimes these loud booms from bamboo (nowadays steel - for safety reasons?) cannons.

When I went around the place, it's pretty quiet too. Guess everyone avoids visiting and giving away those hard earned cash. It has become a tradition to give 'Green' Paus during this time. Must admit I did see some houses full of visitors though but far in between.

With cost of living going through the roof, everyone is extra careful to spend unnecessarily. The future so uncertain.

Anyway, wondering if any Muslim can comment/refresh our memories on how this celebration came about in the first place. It will be interesting I guess. Later, later, when my postings go 'public'.

Again, Selamat Hari Raya!!!

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