Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I went to join the crowd of oldies and youngies to collect my BR1M RM500 voucher on 27th February 2012 at our local community Hall at TUTA, Skudai, Johor. It was about 8 minutes drive away from where I was staying. It was noted on the envelope that we had from 10am till 2pm to collect.

I went early, hoping to be able to get a place in the front of the queue and but when I arrived, I found the place packed with people of all sizes, shapes, height and whatnot.

A section of the crowd

We were told to sit and wait for our turn and, once the people sitting in front move forward, we had to do the same. Then I noticed some late comers came from the side and started to squeeze into the standing queue in front. Really no civic mindedness and some were not senior citizens.

Just before my turn came, one official announced that the 2 queues we were on, were only for getting the serial number and confirmation of our identification and the third row to collect the vouchers. What the hell! Why can't they do it in one go to save the people from re-queuing all over in the voucher collection row. How do they expect to clear the crowd this way. To me, this arrangement was bad and the whole process was not properly organised and coordinated. If they can register and issue the voucher in the same row, the hall would not be so crowded.

As the crowd grew and the heat became unbearable due to poor ventilation, even though there are fans on both sides of the hall. An elderly lady almost fainted and was quickly moved to the side entrance for fresh air.

There was one time the crowd was getting restless and some of the recipients started shoving their way to the front of the queues. One official pleaded with the people to queue and be orderly. When his advice was not taken seriously and they continued shoving, the official lose his cool and started shouting at the group. There was an verbal exchange between the official and the group. Anyway, this group of uncivic-minded people should have followed the advice as others had been queuing as directed. It is just a matter of time, they would get their vouchers.

Anyway, that is not the end of the process. They still have to go to the bank to cash the vouchers, another long queue. What a day!

The issuance of the vouchers by the government officials.


Reanaclaire said...

Gosh..i can imagine how unruly and unorganized it is! But fortunately when my mum took it that day, it was very smooth.. the officials even had time to joke with the elderly people there.. my mum was given a seat too.. no pushing, shoving or rushing.. :)

b3@N2311 said...

good that your mum has gone to the right place and the right time.... at least more civilised than over here...