Saturday, June 15, 2013

General Election 2013

How was your voting experience? Are you a first timer? Share your experiences through the comments.

For me, I am not a first timer in voting but first timer voting in Johor.

I woke up pretty early for the warm-up before the new voting experience in Johor Bahru.

I went early to the school which was my polling station and started queuing around 7.40 am. The queue was not that long when I arrived at the polling station. It was good that the sun was starting to rise in the sky. I just could not imagine if you went to the polling station around mid morning when the sun was giving away its free Vitamin D and accompanying hot rays. When the gate opened at 8.00 am, the line started moving as we eased our way to the checking station. After confirming my voting station, I went to queue with the others. 

When my turn came, I walked in to get my ballot paper as well as to be finger inked. Interesting as this was the first time the indelible ink was used. I took the ballot carefully so as to stain the ballot paper, else it may be considered spoilt. I went to the voting booth and marked my ballot paper for my Hero.

Done. That was it. Nothing to it. It took me less than one hour to go through the whole process of voting. Going there early helped a lot.

Now, what about you? Your experience? Any interesting happened when you were at the polling station?

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