Thursday, June 20, 2013

Living Life Simple

How do we live a simple life? What is a simple life in this age and time? Do I have to forgo certain "luxuries" in life to be in the "simple" category?

I just cannot imagine living too simple a life without some of the "luxuries" of the modern world.

Can I live without my Mobile? 
I feel disconnected.... Nooooo
Can I live without the TV?
I feel isolated..... Nooooo
Can I live without the Broadband?
Same as No. One.... Noooooo

Can I live without airconditioning?
Maybe..... Nooooooooo

I am leaving Water and Electricity out on purpose.

Money is the root of all evil$.... but I cannot live without it. Your DONATION i$ mo$t welcomed! Read the small print! .............

 Remarks: If you cannot read the small print, you are lucky, and you do not have to part with your $$$$$$.

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