Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Tingling Arm ..... and Thumb.....

Found this draft blog post on 26/07/2017. Please note this post was supposed to be posted years ago but somehow left in KIV for that period. I am fine now and not having that tingling feeling.

Aiyoh! Is age catching up with me, maybe overtaking me?

A few weeks back, my right thumb started to have tingling sensation and sometimes my right arm will feel weak or rather have that weird weak feeling. Hey, maybe something serious is happening to this aged body of mine. Most probably I have abused it too much.

About a week or so back, I went to the Specialist Hospital to have my arm and thumb checked out.

Sh.....t!!!! the cause? my neck vertebras are curved slightly thus pinching the nerves leading to my right arm. That explains the tingling sensation and weak arm symptoms.

I was given some medication and exercise I need to do for the next few weeks. The doctor warned me that should the medication and exercise do not work, then I may have to go for surgery to correct the condition. Ouch! it is going to be painful!

To relieve the pressure on the nerves, some parts of the bones need to be removed so they will not pinch the nerves whenever I hold my head in a certain position.

Drat! Should I go that route? The doctor also warned me that permanent damage to the nerves may mean my arm will be lifeless if the condition gets worse over the years.

Think. Think. It's my right arm, my useful arm. drat!

For now, I can control the tingling sensation whenever it comes by doing some neck movements. The question is still, should I go for surgery. There is an element of risk for operations like this. A mistake means I will be a vege for life. The possibility is always there. What will happen when the surgeon sneezes while he is happily chipping off some bits and pieces of the bones. What if he cut too deep. What if..... so many what ifs...

Maybe I am overreacting here... anyway, we will see....

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