Monday, October 27, 2008

My Farewell Dinner on 25.10.2008 - Finally

Wow, I finally hosted my farewell dinner as planned, for my ex-colleagues, friends and family members from Brunei. After a month of planning and deciding on the venue last minute really wore me out. The reason I had to wait till a week before the dinner as I needed the feedback from those I have invited, especially from my Muslim friends. If they confirmed not going for my dinner, then I would have chosen a Chinese restaurant.

I have also arranged a surprise for my honoured guests which I will reveal later.

Come 25th October 2008, I went down early as I was the host. After most of them have arrived and it was already around 7.30pm, I asked to have the dinner served. Sorry I did not take any pix on the dishes which were recommended by one of the staff.

Charlie's Angels?

One for the Album

Entertaining themselves

Tummies getting full

About half an hour into the dinner, time for my surprise!!!

I have engaged a magician to perform during my dinner as I did not want it to be just another dinner. When the magician started the music, all eyes were glued towards the magician who introduced himself. The show was an eye opener for my guests as it was unexpected. The magician performed well and won applause from my guests as well as others who happened to be at the restaurant. Even the restaurant staff was pleasantly surprised.

Above pix showing the magician in action, entertaining my guests

We continued our dinner after the performance.

We finished dinner around 9.30pm and my guests started to leave, with their tummies filled with good food.

My daughter in the middle, rubbing the magic off the magician

I am sure this dinner will be a memorable one to them.

Farewell, my friends!


cavogue said...

owh man..bit nervous when i saw some stranger's nickname in my blog..but sound familiar..til i check out ur blog..haha...when r u leaving??to JB?

b3@N2311 said...

Now in JB, fighting crime...huhuhu